What is a mind gym?
Mind gym is a process that deals with the translation of behavioral science principles into a unique set of products and tools, creating a companywide behavior change.
It transforms how people think, feel, and behave at work by applying science, practical solutions steeped in psychology to deliver peak performance. It is achieved by training the brain’s muscles through attention.
It’s a unique piece of training since;
- Mind gym brings psychology into workplace learning. The study of the human mind and behavior is quite a powerful tool when used sufficiently. By bringing psychology into the workplace, we create grounds for effective productivity.
- They are designed to appeal to an individual self-interest to achieve sustained behavior change and improve organizational importance. When force is initiated from within, that is, from an individual, it accomplishes more than when pressure is without.
- Changes attitude and build belief by transforming the capabilities of people. When areas of the brain that were dormant are stimulated, they create an aura whereby one can unleash their real potential, hence transforming people’s abilities.
- Efficiency at work is promoted as the mind becomes more susceptible to generating ideas and brainstorming.
How it is achieved
The mind gym is carried out through attention. One is to focus on one thing out of the wide range of things in the environment.
Since the brain is constantly receiving information about the environment from all five senses, there could be many distractions. There is the use of neurons every time you focus on something as follows;
You use a brain network for focused attention whenever you focus on your breath.
When one notices a wondering, though, you use a brain network for detecting distraction.
You use your brain network to prevent your attention from following that thought; then, the wondering thought is controlled.
You return your attention to breathing, using your brain network for redirecting attention.
This process of controlling attention through mindfulness practice is the definition of a mental gym.
Lessons from mind gym
- Mental toughness – There are seven constituents of mental toughness. They include; competitiveness that fuels up the brain’s activity, courage not to be afraid of your competitors, confidence, control by looking at what is in your power, composure by not losing control, and finally, commitment in the short and long term.
- Go slow to go first – Taking regular breaks is necessary to give yourself time to recover. It is paramount that the agonist pushes you forward since the two muscles and the antagonist simultaneously pulls you back and slows you down. Slowing down gives the agonist muscle power.
- Live a life of love, learning, and labor- When you love what you do, it’s easier to get up every morning and push through the hard part. Putting in labor and learning ensures that you capitalize your talents more and more in your brain.
Benefits of a mind gym
- Brain gym focuses on physical aspects of learning neglected by most educators. It focuses on the visual, auditory, tactile, kinaesthetic, and vestibular, and proprioceptor. It links the areas of the brain that have not been reached yet and molds it to affect the overall performance of individuals in a learning environment
- The stimulation of the senses improves confidence, motivation focus, and positivism, and this transition of how you feel enhances your ability and skills.
- It has been linked to individuals processing information quickly and improving comprehension.
- Boosts self-confidence in tackling tricky situations. One can take on anything in confidence to do best at it. Self-confidence is linked to improved performance.
- Improves skills of reading and writing. By engaging in the mental gym, one must practice writing and reading daily so that the constant effort will result in improved writing and reading quality.
- Establishes the stamina which allows one to be able to complete set tasks. Having the power to endure and persevere a goal until the end is made possible through brain gym, therefore, getting things done.
- Coordination and organizing skills are bettered. Once the brain can focus on specific aspects despite the many distractions, the neurons in the brain help in the coordination and organization of thoughts and day-to-day activities.
- Reasoning and logical approach of situations is improved. Once through the mental gym, your mind will have the capacity to see through the logistics and flexibility in reasoning.
- It clears any stress. It helps create barriers and helps in focusing on one thing at a time. Thus when the brain is focused on a particular thought, it is challenging to major on the current stressing issue.
- Boosts sport performance. Most sports games are mental games; therefore when your mind is sharpened as a result of brain gym and can concentrate and focus, sports performance is doubled.
- Boosts concentration and speech articulation.
How to improve mental fitness
In addition to mind gym, some programs go in tow with brain fitness. They include
Playing games such as sudoku, crosswords, and electronic games improves your speed and memory and your memory and ability to think.
Daily meditation relaxes you by giving the brain a workout. With the creation of a different mental state, you engage it in new exciting ways increasing its fitness.
Eating healthy fats is also good for your brain. The mind gym allows you to focus on essential oils such as fish oil, oil from nuts such as walnuts.
Narrating stories solidifies the brain’s memory. So one of the things to do in brain gym is practicing how you interpret events and share moments both new and old.
Reducing the hours spent on television also improves the mindfulness of the brain.
Exercise your body to exercise your brain. By moving your body, your brain learns new muscle skills.
Extensive reading of different kinds of literature also puts your mind in a gym and helps retain information.
You are training your brain to work better and faster. It improves the basic principles of memory, visualization, and reasoning.
Learning a new skill stimulates different areas in your brain. It challenges your brain by giving it something to think about.
Lastly, challenge your brain by making simple changes in your routine. It will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.
From the essay above, it is evident that mind gym is the most important aspect in creating a super mind that will adapt to almost anything. Additionally, deal with situations both sufficiently and effectively. We ought to exercise our minds and improve our mental fitness to increase productivity.