Top 10 Great American Essay Writers

The essays written by famous American writers aim to prep a student for his/her potential career challenges associated with writing. There are many world-renowned novel writers who also gained popularity in writing essays. The 19th century was the time when great essays were being published.

Some represented the native history of that time, while others described the life of the writer. A great essay can be more eminent than a good novel. They are concise, brief, interesting, and attention-grabbing. Some of the popular genres of essay includes, Biography, Non-friction, Instructive, Comedy, Romance, History, Personal reflection and current events. Here are the top 10 great American essay writers:


She was a popular female writer from the city of New York. Susan, when she was young had imaginary friends from famous American novels and books. She did all that she could to enter Harvard University. She has a Master of Philosophy which she achieved after devoting time to learn English literature. Due to the norms of yesteryears, she faced serious gender concerns. She faced a lot of challenges regarding her initial essays. Once she moved to Paris, she was able to release the rest of her work. Some famous essays of hers are Regarding the Pain of Others Styles of Radical Will and Against Interpretation.


He is a writer from the 20th century. In his genre, he won a Pulitzer Prize. His essays are captivating as he offered outstanding hook sentences. He taught Journalism at Princeton University. Some of his work includes The Search of Marvin Gardens and Progression: How and What?


He was born in the year 1968. Though he started with philosophy. He later turned his interest to literature and earned a degree in English literature and language. You can use this writer to cure regular depressions. Sadly, he died because of prescribed medicine. Some of his best work includes, A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again, Television and U.S. Friction, and Consider the Lobster.


Known for some of the best horror books of all time, Stephen King is a writer of famous essays as well. His essays are fantasy, suspense, and supernatural fiction. Some of his work includes Great Hookers I Have Known and Head Down.


Another famous American writer in this list happens to be Robert Atwan. He was born in New Jersey in the year 1940. His main focus was to create short stories during this lifetime. Some of his work includes Poems and Essays and Great Moments in Literary Baseball.


This writer was a true master of words. He is known for introducing the shortest stories/essays which are made of only six words. His style is distinctive and is copied by modern writers all over the world. The essays this writer wrote are quite simple to read. He eliminated the use of complex words and new topics in his essays. Some of his work includes, The Old Man and the Sea, The Garden of Eden, The Sun also Rises and In Our Time.


This writer is from California. Believe it or not, but she began writing her opening essays at the tender age of 5. She spent her childhood reading all the books she can. Her Bachelor Degree in Arts and English Language helped her to work on her passion. Besides being one of the famous writers of the 20th century, she is also known for working in “Vogue” magazine. Some of her work includes, After Henry, Salvador, and Run.


Norman belonged from New Jersey. He is from a Jewish family and is known for creating several masterpieces. This writer studied at Harvard and it is where the love of literature grew in him. He started writing professionally at the mere age of 18. Some of his best work includes Pieces and Pontifications and The Presidential Papers.


The writer was born in the year 1896. He is known as a novelist and short-story writer. He best demonstrates the Jazz Age. He happens to be an honored and dedicated member of the “Lost Generation” during the 1920s. Around 164 essays out of four collections of short stories happen to be published in his lifetime. Some of his works include The Beautiful and the Damned, The Side of Paradise.


The writer was born in the year 1924. He grew up with 8 children. The writer grew up with his stepfather and he never really knew his biological father. This made him write pieces that are even admired to this day. He started his career in Greenwich Village. Some of his best work includes The Price of the Ticket and Notes of a Native Son.